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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: Loop Abroad 
  • Restrictions: SDSU applicants only
  • Dates / Deadlines
Program Description:
Applications are open for Fall 2022 and Spring & Fall 2023! 

Get hands-on with veterinary medicine in elephant sanctuaries, zoos, veterinary hospitals, and marine conservation centers

The semester is designed with pre-veterinary students in mind. Our small, hands-on classes are taught by veterinarians with extensive experience in their fields in the shelter, sanctuary, and clinic settings. Each course will be taken in a set sequence, providing the opportunity for one course to build upon another as you progress through the semester.

2 elephants
You’ll also get to participate in all the courses with the same cohort of students as you travel and live together during your time abroad.

We know that spending a semester abroad can be daunting for pre-vet students. We’re available to answer all your questions about credit, financial aid, and coursework to make sure this semester abroad is the perfect fit for you!

The Thailand Veterinary Semester Abroad has been selected as a Runner-Up for Best Gap Year Program in 2018-2019on!

Program Highlights:
  • *Based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, a beautiful, bustling city rooted in ancient culture and surrounded by an amazing variety of ecosystems yet much wildlife in crisis.
  • *Two weeks learning about elephants observing and assisting the veterinary team with everything from physical exams to basic healthcare.
  • *Three weeks on Turtle Island staying a few steps from the beach! SCUBA dive over coral reefs surveying coral health, tropical fish, and more. SCUBA Open Water diving certification is included. Learn from the conservationists and experts at the New Heaven Reef Conservation Program.
  • *Search for local sea turtles and shark populations and help conserve their habitat!
  • *Two weeks in a zoo setting learning about exotic veterinary medicine – restraint, physical exams, welfare, and enrichment for a variety of species.
  • *Two-week practicum working in a companion animal clinic alongside Thai veterinarians.
  • *Two-week Companion Animal Management course taught at the Dog Rescue Clinic providing hands-on experience and learning through case studies.
Semester Dates
 Spring 2023: Sunday, Jan. 22 – Friday, Apr. 21, 2023
 Fall 2023: Sunday, Aug. 27 – Friday, Nov. 24, 2023

Rolling admissions; applications open now!

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year SDSU App Deadline SDSU Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 09/16/2024 10/15/2024 TBA TBA